marie-michele jasmin-belisle presents

the iPhone chronicles : contemporary snapshots of color, light, magic and random subworlds

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

32 <3

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lovers bridge

A young man fell in love with a girl from town. He had little means and no title, and his lover's father would not give him her hand. So he decided to leave for the continent to go fight for his country and come back later with the necessary fortune to marry the one he loved. The night before his departure, the lovers had decided to meet at the river to say goodbye. The water was usually alway low enough for them to cross and meet each other, but this time as they both came towards their respective shores they realized the storm of the previous night had made the water wild and the current too strong to cross. They had to say their goodbyes with a river between them. The young man left for some years, and came back with all the means necessary, having become a notable pirate- the quickest way to riches back in the day. The first thing he did upon his return and marrying his lady was to build this bridge, so that never again would lovers be parted by the river. #truestory #yorkshire #england

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ye Olde England

So it's been a while since my last post, and time to get back on track ! I just came back from a month in the UK, spending the vast majority of the time in the Yorkshire, by the sea, most precisely Whitby (and a last weekend in London with my amazing girl friend Dakota Block). Even though love affairs, weddings and film work had brought me to the country before on several occasions, I must say that something very different happened on this trip : I fell in love. In love with a landscape, in love with a people, in love with a lifestyle, in love with all that makes a country its own beautiful beast, from its architecture of the land to the architecture of the soul, foods and traditions, the fishermen by the sea, the local lovers, the writers and fish &chip joint owners.. England, something clicked this time, and I am ready to say, I love you. Yes I do !