Indeed, it did not. As I settle back into my fiery desert sun, a new blank scroll unfolds. The ultimate creative challenge : plunge into the depths of a 100+ hours of footage, swim, storm and breathe through it, and emerge at the other end, 9 months later, with a new born of a son, a 90 minute documentary to encompass both 1978 and 2008 Longest Walks. THE Longest Walk documentary. In all its humble, raw, extroverted, dramatic, slow motioned and wild moments. ETA to be announced shortly.
In the meantime, looking for new 8:51 creative headquarters, with sunlight, horses and a dance studio nearby. Good coffee too, and maybe even a sunport (or makeshift sunport, like a big old cottonwood tree) to shade my classic car, or my 4Runner. That, also, is TBD. ;)
MM is 8:51

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